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执业护士是第一. 发展最快的职业据美国媒体报道.S. 劳工统计局, 该公司预测,随着医疗服务需求的增加,2020-2030年,新员工的就业将增加52% 初级保健提供者短缺 恶化.
These stats bode well for family nurse practitioners, who currently make up nearly 超过35.5万名执业护士(NPs)中有70%持有执照 在美国.S.根据美国执业护士协会(AANP)的说法,. And with an average salary of $104,928 for an NP in family medicine, according to the 临床顾问薪酬调查, 成为一名家庭护士从业者是一个坚实的投资个人谁想要提供全面的初级保健病人.


MSN-FNP代表理学硕士护理-家庭护士执业. 家庭执业护士(FNPs)是高级执业注册护士(APRN),他们专注于健康促进和教育,并向所有年龄段的个人和家庭提供初级保健, 从婴儿到老人.
成为MSN-FNP, 你必须是注册护士(RN), 完成认可的fnp重点硕士课程, 然后通过国家NP委员会认证考试.
“作为一名家庭执业护士的好处是,你经常可以照章办事, 整个家庭. You get to form a relationship with your patients because those patients keep coming back to you,博士说。. Kathy VanRavenstein, APRN, FNP-BC and the director of clinical education at mg不朽情缘游戏网址. “And it's really great when you have a patient whose diabetes is uncontrolled, you start to work with them and they come off medications and they get their diabetes under control. 和病人建立联系真的很值得, 能看到这个家庭的整个过程, 在病人身上取得成功并庆祝这些成功.”


An MSN-FNP program will prepare you to become a board-certified family nurse practitioner. You’ll gain advanced knowledge in health assessment and 疾病预防, 诊断。 and management. 临床课程将给你实践经验. MSN-FNP项目的核心课程包括:

Advanced Clinical Assessment—Building on basic physical assessment and using a systems approach, this course is a deeper study of identifying and interpreting abnormalities in the physical exam. 并介绍了鉴别诊断的过程.

循证护理和质量改进-本课程培养护理研究生批判性地评估他们的知识, 以及医疗保健研究和最佳实践, 改善护理实践和健康结果.


Healthcare Policy—An introduction to understanding the role of public policy, 健康和医疗保健组织的宣传和行业监管, this course will also teach you how to work through or in the policymaking system.

Pathophysiology—An in-depth study of pathophysiological processes and disruptions in normal body functioning, 强调整合来自多种来源的信息,为所有年龄和任何疾病状态的客户制定诊断和护理计划.

药理学-全面了解药理学概念和原理,重点是使用药物治疗来促进健康和治疗疾病. 本课程将为学生在主要的药理学药物课程中打下坚实的基础,并使学生有能力将这些原则应用于他们的治疗决策.

初级保健-本课程探讨临床决策和循证实践,为个体提供终身初级保健, 包括获得促进健康的先进知识, 疾病预防, 以及常见的急性和慢性健康问题的管理.


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.



成为FNP需要很多准备, 诊所为你提供了在不同医疗环境中照顾病人的实践经验,这些经验是你从教科书上得不到的. 所需的临床时数将取决于你的项目, 但你至少要完成500到600个小时.
FNP学生的临床轮转是一个预览,一旦你成为一名注册护士,你的工作日将是什么样子. 在你最初的日子里, 您将了解每个人在诊所做什么,并通过每个人的角色了解患者预约的流程. 下一个, your preceptor (the experienced licensed clinician supervising you) will ease you into seeing patients. At first, you may collect the history of present illness (HPI) or do 评估 on patients. 稍后,您将添加提出诊断的责任, 讨论鉴别诊断, 并决定你对病人的治疗方案的建议. 在你轮值结束的时候, you should feel relatively confident in your ability to see a patient from start to finish.

Will I Have to Complete a Project or a Dissertation at the End of an MSN-FNP 程序?

Completing a thesis for a master’s degree in nursing isn’t always required. 有些课程要求完成一个顶点项目或最后的研究项目. Others offer a way to graduate without completing a research project or long paper. 这通常是通过完成额外的护理课程, 实习或参加一个或多个研讨会,深入研究护理领域,并最终发表一篇短文.
毕业论文和毕业论文都是展示你的知识的方法. 顶点通常是一个多层次的项目,可以采取多种形式, 从论文到多媒体演示. 另一方面, a thesis tends to be a written paper that states a hypothesis and then supports it with data, 研究和推断.
A capstone project is ideal in an MSN-FNP program because it gives students, 谁经常是护士, 有机会识别一个存在的现实世界的问题,并通过应用他们的技能和学到的方法来开发解决方案.


FNPs对病人的整体健康起着积极的作用, 强调预防保健, 完成年度体检, 评估, 诊断。, 管理药物并对慢性诊断进行随访. 他们需要渊博的知识和相当的技能.


  • 评估和诊断——进行检查, ordering diagnostic tests and then making diagnoses to determine treatment plans and follow-up care.
  • Formulation of Treatment Plans—Using critical thinking skills to create treatment plans for each unique patient.
  • 患者教育——用患者能理解的通俗语言描述病情、解释程序和护理说明.
  • 将研究成果转化为实践——及时了解和评估当前的研究成果,然后将相关发现应用于改善患者的治疗效果.
  • 在提供者之间协调和转移护理—与专家合作并确保由医疗保健从业人员组成的复杂护理团队之间的沟通.
  • 为病人着想——这可以包括沟通他们的偏好, 培养协作, helping patients navigate the healthcare system and working with insurance companies.

When posting jobs for nurse practitioners, there are common specializations that are often needed. 除了, certain interpersonal skills can go a long way to putting a nurse practitioner in the right position.  


在线 MSN-FNP degree programs not only exist but also are preferable for many students. 在线护理课程最大的好处是灵活性:护士可以在随时随地完成课程的同时保持当前的工作时间表. 在线 learning is convenient and you can complete coursework at your own pace.
Not commuting to class also gives students a broader range of degree options. 这不仅使学生能够根据地理位置(护理专业)以外的因素选择课程, 例如), but it also means that even nurses in remote locations have access to graduate-level programs across the country.


成为FNP的步骤和先决条件可能会根据你开始你的旅程和你参加的项目而有所不同. 但大多数学生会遵循以下步骤:

  1. Earn your Bachelor of Science 在护理 (BSN) or 联系。 Degree 在护理 (ADN).
  2. 取得注册护士执照.
  3. Gain experience working as an RN, if the MSN program you want to apply to requires it. 
  4. 如果你没有护理学学士学位, consider an accelerated program designed for working nurses like Franklin’s RN-BSN.
  5. Earn an accredited MSN-FNP degree, including completing at least 500 clinical hours.
  6. Take the FNP certification exam to become a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. (有关此步骤的更多信息,请参见 FNP Certification: 6 Big Questions Answered for Aspiring Family Nurse Practitioners.)


FNP的工作既具有挑战性,也有回报. 他们的病人带着复杂的问题来找他们,他们必须准备好做出困难的诊断,并提供有效的治疗方案. 因此,适合这个角色的护士是具有创造性的问题解决者,具有出色的沟通技巧——他们知道如何倾听病人的意见,并与病人进行清晰而尊重的沟通, 家庭和其他医疗保健提供者.
选择高级护理实践这一领域的注册护士喜欢管理所有年龄的病人的护理,诊断和治疗各种各样的疾病. They also want their holistic treatment of patients to extend to wellness care, and they believe in 强调预防保健 to improve their patients’ quality of health. 他们的同理心使他们能够设身处地地为病人着想, and their time management skills empower them to see many patients daily and manage all aspects of their care.
Dr. VanRavenstein, 同时也是mg不朽情缘游戏网址临床教育主任, says a good family nurse practitioner really likes to engage with patients.

“你必须对和病人交谈感到自在. It's really important to be able to build a very good rapport with patients, 因为他们是否会回来找你,想让自己更健康取决于他们对你的反应如何,她说。.
如果你想把你的护理实践提升到一个新的水平,在提供全面的病人护理方面发挥积极而独立的作用, 成为FNP可能是一个不错的选择. mg不朽情缘游戏网址的认证和价格实惠的在线课程 M.S. 在护理-家庭执业护士 轨道可能是到达那里的理想选择. 
mg不朽情缘试玩博士说:“mg不朽情缘试玩有一件很酷的事. VanRavenstein, “is that our clinical faculty follow the students throughout their clinicals. So a student works with the same faculty member from their first clinical all the way to their last clinical, 这是独一无二的. I've taught in other programs and other schools, and I've never come across that. 这对学生和教师来说容易多了,因为他们都了解对方,知道对方的期望是什么. 这是一件好事.”
 Learn more about the program and how you can earn your MSN-FNP degree in 27 months.

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