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Can I Go Back To College If I Dropped Out?

If you withdrew from college, you aren’t alone. 在美国, the overall dropout rate for undergraduate college students is 40%, 大约30%的大学新生在大二之前就辍学了. 

There are many valid reasons students drop out. 学费上涨, 家庭和个人情况以及无法平衡工作和学习都可能导致学生选择退学. 然而,仅仅因为你辍学并不意味着你不能回到大学.

大学辍学率可能具有欺骗性,因为它们通常不能代表成功完成学位的学生人数. 国家学生信息中心研究中心报告称,2014年至2019年期间,有100万辍学学生重返学校并完成学位. 另一个1.1 million students were still working to complete their degree.

如果你是一个从大学退学的有工作的成年人,准备重新获得你的学位, mg不朽情缘游戏网址是来帮忙的. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址来解决一些职场人士重新申请大学时最关心的问题.


When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide.


Four Paths for Going Back to College After Dropping Out

Every student’s path back to school is different. For some students, withdrawing from college is a short break. For others it may take over a decade before they return to school. No matter how long it’s been or where you attended college previously, you have options for how to re-apply to college.


  1. Completing your degree at your former college 如果你想追求同样的职业道路,并对大学的学生经历感到满意,这可能是对的.
  2. Completing the degree at a different college 如果你想追求同样的职业道路,但作为一名学生有不同的需求,这可能是对的——这是否是更实惠的课程, 灵活的在线学习环境或更好的学生支持服务. 
  3. Earning a new degree at the former college 如果你想追求不同的职业,但又喜欢上一所大学的学习环境,这可能是对的.
  4. Earning a new degree at a new college 如果你以前的学分过期了,或者你想在一所更适合在职成年人的大学里重新开始,也许它适合你.

Finding The Right College To Finish Your Degree

Whether attending the same college or a new one, 大多数成功的归国学生选择通过在线课程完成他们的学位. 在线完成学位提供了一个灵活的选择,使你更容易平衡你的工作, 教育与个人生活.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址来看看是什么让在线学位课程成为一个有大学学分的在职成年人想要重新进入大学的理想选择. 寻找专门满足转学生需求的在线学院, indicated by the following characteristics:

  • 认证, which shows the college meets the highest standards of academic quality.
  • Policies that maximize transfer credit, 包括接受非传统的转学分,比如以前的工作经验, professional credentials or military credit. 获得转学学分的学生比例也是可转学性的一个重要指标. 例如, mg不朽情缘游戏网址90%以上的学生获得学位学分.
  • 可负担的每学分成本 以及一对一的经济援助支持. 
  • Faculty with extensive industry experience who can translate course content into practical learning experiences.
  • 网络的机会 that will help you grow your professional connections.
  • Microcredentials and certification qualifications 被纳入学位课程,有助于展示对需求技能的掌握. 
  • 灵活的在线课程 它将独立学习与实时会议和个性化支持相结合.

5 Tips for Returning to College After Dropping Out

Going back to school is a significant undertaking. It’s also a major accomplishment that provides many rewards. Make sure you’re prepared to succeed by following these tips.

  1. Know why you want to go back—and why you’re prepared to succeed. 确定你的“为什么”,无论是职业发展, 加薪, 或者一种成就感, will help you stay motivated as you complete your degree. 认识到自上次上大学以来你的个人和职业发展可以给你信心,因为你正在努力. 
  2. Make a realistic schedule and stick to it. 计划每周花10-15个小时在你的课程上,并放慢速度,这样你就不会成为拖延症的受害者. 有效的时间管理是重返学校工作的成年人成功的首要指标之一. 
  3. Reduce time to graduation by choosing a transfer-friendly school. 一所对转学友好的大学将与你一起确定你以前的学分有多少可以转学. 例如, mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供免费的, online transfer credit tool to help you estimate your transfer credit. mg不朽情缘试玩的转学分团队也很乐意与你一对一地讨论你潜在的转学分.
  4. Watch out for colleges that sound too good to be true. 有一些在线大学承诺过多,却无法兑现. 确保你彻底审查了任何一所大学,以确保学生的成绩表明成人学习者是成功的. 非营利性大学可能更适合,因为它们是为支持学生而设计的, not deliver profits on behalf of shareholders.
  5. 建立一个强大的支持网络. As an adult returning to college, you can’t do it alone. Whether you’re balancing professional pursuits or family responsibilities, 你需要有人支持你. 寻找专业的导师, 同行, 老师、朋友和家人会帮助你完成课程并完成学位.

Remember: there’s never a perfect time to go back to school. 然而, 如果你制定了一个计划, 保持专注, 建立你的支持系统, you can reap the rewards of finishing your college degree.

Choose an 在线 College Built For Working Adults

As a working professional who is returning to school after dropping out, 你有一系列独特的需求,传统大学可能无法满足.

At mg不朽情缘游戏网址, the average age of students is 34. mg不朽情缘试玩的课程旨在满足那些想要最大限度地利用以前的经验来完成学位的工作成年人的需求. Here are the top reasons Franklin stands out from other colleges:

  • 灵活的在线课程 确保你可以按照你的时间表和条件上课和完成你的课程.
  • mg不朽情缘游戏网址的平衡学习方法 equally allocates workload throughout the course to help you balance your study time with other commitments.
  • Multiple start dates and variable course lengths 确保你可以更快地开始和完成课程,并安排适合你繁忙生活的课程.
  • 转移学分的种类, 包括军事训练, 专业认证, 工作经验和投资组合信用, and more can count toward your degree. 

Explore even more ways that the Franklin experience can set you up for success and help you earn your college degree.

Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.